Subject Leader : Mrs Rachel Roberts -
Year 7
What are we studying?
Students will complete a twenty week course in Food & Nutrition comprising of one double lesson a week. The topics covered are the study of nutrition, food hygiene and safety in the kitchen, principles and application of a healthy, balanced diet based upon current dietary guidelines and the ‘Eat well Plate’: Five a day, Carbohydrates, Starch, Sugar, Fibre, diet related disorders including obesity, tooth decay, digestive ailments and the concept of energy balance. Environmental considerations (sustainability, seasonality, food miles, waste management, composting and growing your own fruit and vegetables) pertinent to the course are developed further for study.
As well as nutrition and food science theory work, a significant proportion of the course is a practical skills based curriculum focussing on a range of food preparation techniques to make delicious food products that can be enjoyed at home by the whole family, based upon the principles of healthy eating and nutrition. Practical work includes carbohydrate based salads, fruit and vegetable preparation, scones, crumbles, scone based pizza, fruit desserts, pinwheels, muffins, bread and fruit drinks.
How are we assessed?
Classwork (practical and theory work) and homework is assessed throughout the Food course. Students will be given success criteria and KS3 Assessment ‘Steps’ descriptors linked to the work. For each practical and/or theory task students will be given a national curriculum level, which enables their progress to be monitored. The assessments may be carried out in lessons or set as homework. In addition, students complete one complete Design and Make Assessment in the Food Technology course, which focuses on elements of the design process. Analysis, research (gathering and using information), food product design, development, manufacture and sensory evaluation are areas of the design process that are explored through this assessment towards the end of the course.
All tasks are differentiated to address the individual needs of all students through careful planning, including:
- Outcome (learning objective)
- Task
- Process (the method of teaching)
- Pupil grouping
- Tailoring the content of the lesson for the individual (personalised learning agenda)
- Provision (access to support & specialists)
- Choice and self-direction
- Learning style
How we provide for SEN and most able pupils
SEN students will be supported appropriately by class teacher and teaching assistants. Group size will be adjusted appropriately to allow more teacher time to support students’ progress.
How are we grouped?
Students are in mixed ability groups in Art, Design and Technology, and are timetabled for two double lessons a week in this subject area. The maximum class size is 23.
What homework are we expected to do?
There will usually be one homework task set per week, which should take around 30 minutes to complete. This will include research activities, work sheets, design and development work and the evaluation of practical work. In addition, students are expected to plan their practical activities at home, by organising, weighing and preparing their ingredients for the practical lessons. Recipes will be given out by the class teacher one week prior to the practical lesson. Practice of the practical skills in the holidays or at weekends is desirable. Students will be given a D&T folder to store their classwork and homework in. Students are encouraged to share favourite recipes and also read around the subject area to support their understanding and development of scientific vocabulary.
What can parents do to help?
- Provision of ingredients for practical lessons. Students are offered some minor adaptions to recipes to ensure the practical work will be enjoyed by the whole family. We can accommodate any dietary restriction, but please advise the class teacher prior to practical work commencing. This will be treated sensitively and confidentially.
- Provision of a large named container (plastic or tin container would be suitable) to transport ingredients to and from school.
- Use of weighing scales and measuring jug/equipment at home are essential.
- Ask your child to explain the meaning of the scientific vocabulary that is new to each module.
- Encourage your child to discuss what they have learnt each week as they are looking through their D&T folder.
- Look out for articles in newspapers or television and discuss them with your child.
- Parents can also encourage an interest in food and healthy eating.
- Sharing recipes, practising food preparation skills and cooking at home are actively encouraged by class teachers
Useful resources and equipment
- Recipe books
- Ruler, colouring pencils
- Computer is useful for presentation, but not essential.
Year 8
What are we studying?
Students will complete a twenty week course in Food & Nutrition comprising of one double lesson a week. The topics covered are the study of nutrition, principles and application of a healthy, balanced diet based upon current dietary guidelines: source and implications of saturated and unsaturated fat in the diet, healthy heart campaign, and functional foods including raising agents, yeast cookery and multicultural baked products. Labelling and nutritional analysis are explored to develop the ability to interpret nutritional data from food labels and understand the contribution that fat makes to a healthy diet. Disassembly and evaluation of commercially produced products are used as existing product research to identify performance criteria for design and make activities. Environmental considerations (sustainability, fair trade, local foods, food miles, waste management, recycling) pertinent to the course are developed further for study.
As well as nutrition and food science theory work, a significant proportion of the course is a practical skills based curriculum focussing on a range of food preparation techniques to make delicious food products that can be enjoyed at home by the whole family, based upon the principles of healthy eating and nutrition. Time management, personal organisation, hygiene and safety and independence are areas of focus. Practical work includes: bread, Chelsea buns, pizza, desserts, biscuits, cookies, cakes, muffins, pastry and gingerbread.
How are we assessed?
Classwork (practical and theory work) and homework is assessed throughout the Food & Nutrition course. Students will be given success criteria and KS3 Assessment ‘Steps’ descriptors linked to the work. For each practical and/or theory task students will be given a national curriculum level, which enables their progress to be monitored. The assessments may be carried out in lessons or set as homework. In addition, students complete one complete Design and Make Assessment in the Food course, which focuses on elements of the design process. Analysis, research (gathering and using information), food product design, development, manufacture and sensory evaluation are areas of the design process that are explored through this assessment towards the end of the course.
How we provide for SEN and most able pupils
All tasks are differentiated to address the individual needs of all students through careful planning, including:
- Outcome (learning objective)
- Task
- Process (the method of teaching)
- Pupil grouping
- Tailoring the content of the lesson for the individual (personalised learning agenda)
- Provision (access to support & specialists)
- Choice and self-direction
- Learning style
SEN students will be supported appropriately by class teacher and teaching assistants. Group size will be adjusted appropriately to allow more teacher time to support students’ progress.
How are we grouped?
Students are in mixed ability groups in Art, Design and Technology, and are timetabled for two double lessons a week in this subject area. The maximum class size is 23.
What homework are we expected to do?
There will usually be one homework task set per week, which should take around 30 minutes to complete. This will include research activities, work sheets, design and development work and the evaluation of practical work. In addition, students are expected to plan their practical activities at home, by organising, weighing and preparing their ingredients for the practical lessons. Recipes will be given out by the class teacher one week prior to the practical lesson. Practice of the practical skills in the holidays or at weekends is desirable. Students will be given a D&T folder to store their classwork and homework in. Students are encouraged to share favourite recipes and also read around the subject area to support their understanding and development of scientific vocabulary.
What can parents do to help?
- Provision of ingredients for practical lessons. Students are offered some minor adaptions to recipes to ensure the practical work will be enjoyed by the whole family. We can accommodate any dietary restriction, but please advise the class teacher prior to practical work commencing. This will be treated sensitively and confidentially.
- Provision of a large named container (plastic or tin container would be suitable) to transport ingredients to and from school.
- Use of weighing scales and measuring jug/equipment at home.
- Ask your child to explain the meaning of the scientific vocabulary that is new to each module.
- Encourage your child to discuss what they have learnt each week as they are looking through their D&T folder.
- Look out for articles in newspapers or television and discuss them with your child.
- Parents can also encourage an interest in food and healthy eating.
- Sharing recipes, practising food preparation skills and cooking at home are actively encouraged by class teachers.
Useful resources and equipment
- Recipe books
- Ruler, colouring pencils
- Computer is useful for presentation, but not essential.
Year 9
What are we studying?
Students will complete a twenty week course in Food & Nutrition comprising of one double lesson a week. The topics covered are the study of nutrition, principles and application of a healthy, balanced diet based upon current dietary guidelines: source, function and uses of protein in the diet; including, biological value, complementary proteins, novel protein foods, Vegetarianism, source and function of vitamins and minerals, plus links between lifestyle and healthy eating. Industrial food preparation and production, issues of quality and finish are taught to initiate an awareness of commercial food production. Disassembly and evaluation of commercially produced products are used as existing product research to identify performance criteria for design and make activities. Multi-cultural cuisine, fusion foods, and street foods are areas of focus. Environmental considerations (sustainability, fair trade, seasonality, food miles, waste management, recycling) pertinent to the course are developed further for study.
As well as nutrition and food science theory work, a significant proportion of the course is a practical skills based curriculum focussing on a range of food preparation techniques to make delicious food products that can be enjoyed at home by the whole family, based upon the principles of healthy eating and nutrition. Time management, personal organisation, hygiene and safety and independence are areas of focus. Practical work includes: desserts, main course meals, snack products and healthy fast foods with reference to world cuisine and cooking techniques.
How are we assessed?
Classwork (practical and theory work) and homework is assessed throughout the Food & Nutrition course. Students will be given success criteria and KS3 Assessment ‘Steps’ descriptors linked to the work. For each practical and/or theory task students will be given a national curriculum level, which enables their progress to be monitored. The assessments may be carried out in lessons or set as homework. In addition, students complete one complete Design and Make Assessment in the Food Technology course, which focuses on elements of the design process. Analysis, research (gathering and using information), food product design, development, manufacture and sensory evaluation are areas of the design process that are explored through this assessment towards the end of the course.
How we provide for SEN and most able pupils
All tasks are differentiated to address the individual needs of all students through careful planning, including:
- Outcome (learning objective)
- Task
- Process (the method of teaching)
- Pupil grouping
- Tailoring the content of the lesson for the individual (personalised learning agenda)
- Provision (access to support & specialists)
- Choice and self-direction
- Learning style
SEN students will be supported appropriately by class teacher and teaching assistants. Group size will be adjusted appropriately to allow more teacher time to support students’ progress.
How are we grouped?
Students are in mixed ability groups in Art, Design and Technology, and are timetabled for two double lessons a week in this subject area. The maximum class size is 23.
What homework are we expected to do?
There will usually be one homework task set per week, which should take around 30 minutes to complete. This will include research activities, work sheets, design and development work and the evaluation of practical work. In addition, students are expected to plan their practical activities at home, by organising, weighing and preparing their ingredients for the practical lessons. Recipes will be given out by the class teacher one week prior to the practical lesson. Practice of the practical skills in the holidays or at weekends is desirable. Students will be given a D&T folder to store their classwork and homework in. Students are encouraged to share favourite recipes and also read around the subject area to support their understanding and development of scientific vocabulary.
What can parents do to help?
- Provision of ingredients for practical lessons. Students are offered some minor adaptions to recipes to ensure the practical work will be enjoyed by the whole family. We can accommodate any dietary restriction, but please advise the class teacher prior to practical work commencing. This will be treated sensitively and confidentially.
- Provision of a large named container (plastic or tin container would be suitable) to transport ingredients to and from school.
- Use of weighing scales and measuring jug/equipment at home.
- Ask your child to explain the meaning of the scientific vocabulary that is new to each module.
- Encourage your child to discuss what they have learnt each week as they are looking through their D&T folder.
- Look out for articles in newspapers or television and discuss them with your child.
- Parents can also encourage an interest in food and healthy eating.
- Sharing recipes, practising food preparation skills and cooking at home are actively encouraged by class teachers.
Useful resources and equipment
- Recipe books
- Ruler, colouring pencils
- Computer is useful for presentation, but not essential
Years 10 and 11
What are we studying?
Students will complete a two year course in Food Preparation & Nutrition comprising of one double and one single lesson a week. The topics covered are the study of nutrition, principles and application of a healthy, balanced diet based upon current dietary guidelines: source, function and uses of protein in the diet; including, biological value, complementary proteins, novel protein foods, vegetarianism, source and function of vitamins and minerals, plus links between lifestyle and healthy eating. Food Science and Nutrition, the working characteristics of ingredients, materials, components, processes and techniques, primary and secondary foods, preservation and processing, product manufacture, labelling and packaging, product analysis, special diets, sports nutrition, world cuisine, environmental considerations (sustainability, fair trade, seasonality, food miles, waste management, recycling) pertinent to the course are developed further for study.
As well as nutrition and food science theory work, a significant proportion of the course is a practical skills based curriculum focussing on a range of food preparation techniques to make delicious food products that can be enjoyed at home by the whole family, based upon the principles of healthy eating and nutrition. Time management, personal organisation, hygiene and safety and independence are areas of focus. Practical work explores the following technical skills in line with the exam board assessment criteria: knife skills, preparation of fruits and vegetables, prepare combine and shaping techniques, tenderise and marinate ingredients, select and adjust a cooking process, weigh and measure, preparation of ingredients and equipment, confident use of a range of specialist equipment, water based methods using the hob, dry heat and fat based methods using the hob, using the grill, using the oven, making sauces, setting a mixture, use of raising agents, make a dough, shaping and finishing a dough, testing products for readiness and judge and manipulate Sensory properties.
How are we assessed?
Classwork (practical and theory work) and homework is assessed throughout the Food & Nutrition course. During year 10 you will carry out a practical session nearly every week during the double lesson. These practical’s will be documented and graded and will support the written work that you complete during the single theory lessons. Your final outcome is awarded in grades 1-9. Level descriptors will be used throughout the course so you are familiar with the criteria.
Assessment breakdown:
Year 11 Written examination- externally assessed
- 50% final GCSE grade
- 1hour 45mins
- 100 marks
Year 11 NEA coursework tasks- internally assessed, externally moderated
50% Coursework – Two tasks
- Food Investigation Assessment (15%) – A portfolio of evidence and a 2 hour practical exam in Autumn term of Y11
- Food Preparation Assessment (35%) – A portfolio of evidence and a three hour practical exam in Autumn term of Y11
How we provide for SEN and most able pupils?
All tasks are differentiated to address the individual needs of all students through careful planning, including:
- Outcome (learning objective)
- Task
- Process (the method of teaching)
- Pupil grouping
- Tailoring the content of the lesson for the individual (personalised learning agenda)
- Provision (access to support & specialists)
- Choice and self-direction
- Learning style
SEN students will be supported appropriately by class teacher and teaching assistants. Group size will be adjusted appropriately to allow more teacher time to support students’ progress.
How are we grouped?
Students are in mixed ability groups in GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition, and are timetabled for two double lessons and a single lesson a week in this subject area. The maximum class size is 20.
What homework are we expected to do?
There will usually be one homework task set per week, which should take around 30 minutes to complete. This will include research activities, work sheets, design and development work and the evaluation of practical work. In addition, students are expected to plan their practical activities at home, by organising, weighing and preparing their ingredients for the practical lessons. Recipes will be given out by the class teacher one week prior to the practical lesson. Practice of the practical skills in the holidays or at weekends is desirable. Students will be given a D&T folder to store their classwork and homework in. Students are encouraged to share favourite recipes and also read around the subject area to support their understanding and development of scientific vocabulary.
What can parents do to help?
- Provision of ingredients for practical lessons. Students are offered some minor adaptions to recipes to ensure the practical work will be enjoyed by the whole family. We can accommodate any dietary restriction, but please advise the class teacher prior to practical work commencing. This will be treated sensitively and confidentially.
- Provision of a large named container (plastic or tin container would be suitable) to transport ingredients to and from school.
- Use of weighing scales and measuring jug/equipment at home.
- Ask your child to explain the meaning of the scientific vocabulary that is new to each module.
- Encourage your child to discuss what they have learnt each week as they are looking through their D&T folder.
- Look out for articles in newspapers or television and discuss them with your child.
- Parents can also encourage an interest in food and healthy eating.
- Sharing recipes, practicing food preparation skills and cooking at home are actively encouraged by class teachers.
Useful resources and equipment
- Recipe books
- Ruler, colouring pencils
- Computer is useful for presentation, but not essential