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Lavington School

EQUA Trust

Online Safety

Life online

At Lavington School we understand that students need support in learning how to access the internet and technology in a positive and safe way.  The internet is a fantastic place to learn, have fun and talk to friends and family. However there are risks and everyone must make sure they know how to stay safe and protect themselves online.

To support students in life online there is a programme of E-safety education delivered through ICT lessons, PSHRE lessons and Tutor Time. 

Term 1 of the academic year is dedicated to Mental Health & Wellbeing which heavily features healthy online use.  Details of the programme of life online learning (E-safety) is included in the below:

Year 7

Students receive discrete lessons on cyberbullying including how to avoid risks and how to report concerns.  There is a focus on risks online around respectful communication and understanding who you are talking to online including through gaming and social media.  There are also practical tips covered around basic secure steps that can be taken around passwords, sharing of personal information. 

Year 8

Students are taught about healthy online activity including length of time spent online, these discreet lessons cover issues such as addiction, the significance of your own digital footprint, digital resilience and healthy online relationships.  Students are able to discuss concerns around online grooming, issues relating to body image and mental health online.  

Year 9

In IT lessons students will cover specific learning from specialist IT teachers on cyber security, data protection laws and issues relating to computer misuse including potential consequences.  Students are taught about online threats and suitable prevention strategies for individuals and organisations.  Through PSHRE the subject of relationships and life online is covered, this area of learning includes sexting and pornography, the risks and realities. Through tutor time important topics and time is spent discussing cyberbullying (revisited from Year 7) and students own self-esteem and perception of self which is linked to their life online.

Year 10

The focus of online safety learning and discussion for 10 and 11 is delivered through PSHRE and tutor time as the study of IT is no longer compulsory.  Through PSHRE students learn about gambling and links to addiction, this learning is heavily linked to the role of online gambling, social media and advertising.  Through tutor time students explore the importance of building an appropriate online reputation linked to their wider life online and their own wellbeing.  Students are encouraged to think critically about their own online activity, how personal data is used online, their own online presence and future employability. 

Year 11

There is a strong focus on extremism and young people being a critical consumer of information when online, students are encouraged to explore and discuss the reliability of online sources and their own ability to evaluate the reliability and integrity of what the read and experience online.  Core themes around online communication and online relationships are also revisited with greater relevance to more mature cohorts.  When completing careers education online links are consistently made with reminders around online presence and employment opportunities.

Supporting Parents with Online Safety

Life online overview

Below is a series of links that parents and carers may find helpful to learn more about how to stay safe online and where to get advice and guidance.

CEOP is the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre set up to protect children and young people from sexual abuse. CEOP have an education programme and website called Thinkuknow which provides information about staying safe online for young people, parents and professionals – www.thinkuknow.co.uk





If you have any concerns or questions about online safety and want to talk to someone in school please contact your child’s tutor or pastoral leader.  Whilst it can be tricky to draw lines between online activity and school life we are keen to support wherever we can, even if that is to sign post external guidance or support.  The trusts eSafety Policy is available from the trust website. 

The following documents/links may also be helpful:
Parenting in a digital World


     Digital Parenting magazine