Subject Leader: Miss Louise Bennett -
Year 7
What are we studying?
Students will take part in a wide range of activities: Invasion games such as Rugby, Netball, Football and Basketball; Net-wall games such as Badminton and Tennis; Striking and fielding games such as Cricket and Rounders; along with Athletics, Gymnastics and Dance.
The activities covered will be focussed on the key concepts, essential skills and processes that students need to understand and learn in order to make progress:
- Outwitting opponents
- Accurate replication of actions, phrases and sequences
- Exploring and communicating ideas, concepts and emotions
- Performing at maximum levels in relation to speed, height, distance, strength or accuracy
- Identifying and solving problems to overcome challenges
- Exercising safely and effectively to improve health and wellbeing
In Year 7 the focus is on introducing and developing core skills, basic strategies and tactics and basic rules.
How are we assessed?
Students’ assessment is continuous and is carried out using various methods, during every activity, throughout the year. Each activity is assessed in two categories: Skills in isolation and their effectiveness in a competitive situation. Students will also be assessed in coaching and leadership throughout the year. The overall Attainment Level will be based on an average taken across all categories to produce a level. This level which will be compared against their target level to measure progress and performance.
How we provide for the SEN and most able pupils
The different pathways support students of different abilities and allow them to make good progress. The amount of curriculum time devoted to Physical Education will allow staff to stretch high ability students and go beyond the curriculum with the extra-curricular programme which allows more time for students develop a strong foundation for their studies. SEN students will be supported appropriately by class teacher and teaching assistants. Group size will be adjusted appropriately to allow more teacher time to support students’ progress.
How are we grouped?
At the beginning of the year students are initially assessed (as a rough guideline) against the Attainment Levels and placed into sets. At the October half term the sets are reviewed and we continue to do this throughout the year.
What homework are we expected to do?
Students are encouraged to enhance their experience by partaking in extra-curricular opportunities from clubs, fixtures, leadership opportunities and community sport. In addition to this, students are encouraged to read about and watch a wide variety of sporting and physical activities.
On occasion students may be set homework to enhance and consolidate their learning.
What can parents do to help?
Please help with your child’s organisation to ensure that they come to each lesson with the appropriate PE kit, in line with the published list for PE.
Encourage them to fully participate in extra-curricular PE activities and to read about/watch a variety of sporting and physical activities.
Year 8
What are we studying?
Students will take part in a wide range of activities: Invasion games such as Rugby, Netball, Football and Basketball; Net-wall games such as Badminton and Tennis; Striking and fielding games such as Cricket and Rounders; along with Athletics, Gymnastics and Dance.
The activities covered will be focussed on the key concepts, essential skills and processes that students need to understand and learn in order to make progress:
- Outwitting opponents
- Accurate replication of actions, phrases and sequences
- Exploring and communicating ideas, concepts and emotions
- Performing at maximum levels in relation to speed, height, distance, strength or accuracy
- Identifying and solving problems to overcome challenges
- Exercising safely and effectively to improve health and wellbeing
In Year 8 the focus is on consolidating and developing core skills further and introducing more advanced skills and techniques. Students are expected to use their knowledge and understanding to develop strategies and tactics.
How are we assessed?
Students’ assessment is continuous and is carried out using various methods, during every activity, throughout the year. Each activity is assessed in two categories: Skills in isolation and their effectiveness in a competitive situation. Students will also be assessed in coaching and leadership throughout the year. The overall Attainment Level will be based on an average taken across all categories to produce a level. This level which will be compared against their target level to measure progress and performance.
How we provide for the SEN and most able pupil?
The different pathways support students of different abilities and allow them to make good progress. The amount of curriculum time devoted to Physical Education will allow staff to stretch high ability students and go beyond the curriculum with the extra-curricular programme which allows more time for students develop a strong foundation for their studies. SEN students will be supported appropriately by class teacher and teaching assistants. Group size will be adjusted appropriately to allow more teacher time to support students’ progress.
How are we grouped?
Students are placed into sets using their target levels and previous assessments. Classes are continually reviewed throughout the year.
What homework are we expected to do?
Students are encouraged to enhance their experience by partaking in extra-curricular opportunities from clubs, fixtures, leadership opportunities and community sport. In addition to this, students are encouraged to read about and watch a wide variety of sporting and physical activities.
On occasion students may be set homework to enhance and consolidate their learning.
What can parents do to help?
Please help with your child’s organisation to ensure that they come to each lesson with the appropriate PE kit, in line with the published list for PE.
Encourage them to fully participate in extra-curricular PE activities and to read about/watch a variety of sporting and physical activities.
Year 9
What are we studying?
Students will take part in a wide range of activities: Invasion games such as Rugby, Netball, Football and Basketball; Net-wall games such as Badminton and Tennis; Striking and fielding games such as Cricket and Rounders; along with Athletics, Gymnastics and Dance.
The activities covered will be focussed on the key concepts, essential skills and processes that students need to understand and learn in order to make progress:
- Outwitting opponents
- Accurate replication of actions, phrases and sequences
- Exploring and communicating ideas, concepts and emotions
- Performing at maximum levels in relation to speed, height, distance, strength or accuracy
- Identifying and solving problems to overcome challenges
- Exercising safely and effectively to improve health and wellbeing
In Year 9 the focus is on consolidating core skills and introducing or developing more advanced techniques. Students will be expected to use skills, knowledge and understanding to develop strategies and tactics.
How are we assessed?
Students’ assessment is continuous and is carried out using various methods, during every activity, throughout the year. Each activity is assessed in two categories: Skills in isolation and their effectiveness in a competitive situation. Students will also be assessed in coaching and leadership throughout the year. The overall Attainment Level will be based on an average taken across all categories to produce a level. This level which will be compared against their target level to measure progress and performance.
How we provide for the SEN and most able pupils
The different pathways support students of different abilities and allow them to make good progress. The amount of curriculum time devoted to Physical Education will allow staff to stretch high ability students and go beyond the curriculum with the extra-curricular programme which allows more time for students develop a strong foundation for their studies. SEN students will be supported appropriately by class teacher and teaching assistants. Group size will be adjusted appropriately to allow more teacher time to support students’ progress.
How are we grouped?
Students are placed into sets using their target levels and previous assessments. Classes are continually reviewed throughout the year.
What homework are we expected to do?
Students are encouraged to enhance their experience by partaking in extra-curricular opportunities from clubs, fixtures, leadership opportunities and community sport. In addition to this, students are encouraged to read about and watch a wide variety of sporting and physical activities.
On occasion students may be set homework to enhance and consolidate their learning.
What can parents do to help?
Please help with your child’s organisation to ensure that they come to each lesson with the appropriate PE kit, in line with the published list for PE.
Encourage them to fully participate in extra-curricular PE activities and to read about/watch a variety of sporting and physical activities.
Years 10 and 11 Core PE
What are we studying?
Students will have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of activities: Invasion games such as Rugby, Netball, Football and Basketball; Net-wall games such as Badminton and Tennis; Striking and fielding games such as Cricket and Rounders; along with Athletics, Gymnastics and Dance.
The activities delivered will be focussed on the key concepts, essential skills and processes that students need to understand and learn in order to make progress:
- Outwitting opponents
- Accurate replication of actions, phrases and sequences
- Exploring and communicating ideas, concepts and emotions
- Performing at maximum levels in relation to speed, height, distance, strength or accuracy
- Identifying and solving problems to overcome challenges
- Exercising safely and effectively to improve health and wellbeing
During KS4 Lessons are aimed at promoting life-long learning and developing students for physical activity and sports after leaving Lavington.
How we provide for the SEN and most able pupils
The different pathways support students of different abilities and allow them to make good progress. The amount of curriculum time devoted to Physical Education will allow staff to stretch high ability students and go beyond the curriculum with the extra-curricular programme which allows more time for students develop a strong foundation for their studies. SEN students will be supported appropriately by class teacher and teaching assistants.
How are we grouped?
At Key Stage 4 students are given the opportunity to select which activity they would like to participate in for the term. Each term has a rotation of activities, based on availability of staff and facilities.
What homework are we expected to do?
Students are encouraged to enhance their experience by partaking in extra-curricular opportunities from clubs, fixtures, leadership opportunities and community sport. In addition to this, students are encouraged to read about and watch a wide variety of sporting and physical activities.
What can parents do to help?
Please help with your child’s organisation to ensure that they come to each lesson with the appropriate PE kit, in line with the published list for PE.
Encourage them to fully participate in extra-curricular PE activities and to read about/watch a variety of sporting and physical activities.
Years 10 and 11 Examination PE
Examination PE has two pathways GCSE PE and Cambridge National Sport Science
Students opt into study Examination PE during the options process in Year 9; the students are split into either GCSE PE or Cambridge National Sport Science classes after discussion with both students and parents. We will identify the most appropriate course for each learner on an individual basis.
GCSE PE - What are we studying?
For GCSE PE we follow the Edexcel course, the course is split into four components.
Component One: Fitness and Body Systems
Overview of content
- Topic 1: Applied anatomy and physiology
- Topic 2: Movement analysis
- Topic 3: Physical Training
- Topic 4: Use of data
Overview of assessment
- This unit is assessed through an externally set examination.
- The examination is 1 hour and 45 minutes, and includes multiple choice, short-answer, and longer answer questions.
- The total mark available is 90.
Component Two: Health and Performance
Overview of content
- Topic 1: Health, fitness and well-being
- Topic 2: Sport psychology
- Topic 3: Socio-cultural influences
- Topic 4: Use of data
Overview of assessment
- This component is assessed through an externally set examination.
- The examination is 1 hour and 15 minutes, and includes multiple choice, short-answer, and longer answer questions.
- The total mark available is 70.
Component Three: Practical performance
Overview of content
- Skills during individual and team activities
- General performance skills
Overview of assessment
- The assessment consists of students completing three physical activities from a set list.
- One must be an individual activity.
- One must be a team activity.
- The final activity can be a free choice.
- These will be assessed by the teacher and moderated.
Component Four: Personal Exercise Programme
Overview of content
- Aim and planning analysis
- Carrying out and monitoring the PEP
- Evaluation of the PEP
Overview of assessment
- ·The assessment consists of students producing a personal exercise programme, and will require students to analyse and evaluate their performance.
- ·These will be assessed by the teacher and moderated.
How are we assessed?
For more details of the course and the assessment process please visit:
How are we grouped?
Students are put in mixed ability sets for theory and groupings for practical activities will depend on the sport or activity being taught and assessed.
What home learning are we expected to do?
The students are expected to do independent study consolidating their learning of the topics they are covering. There is also set homework given weekly or fortnightly depending on the tasks or extended project work.
Students are also expected to attend extra-curricular clubs and an external sports club to support their practical assessments.
What can parents do to help?
Please help with your child’s organisation to ensure that they come to each lesson with the appropriate PE kit, in line with the published list for PE.
Monitor their progress during the GCSE and ensure they find time to complete their homework.
Encourage them to fully participate in extra-curricular PE activities and to read about/watch a variety of sporting and physical activities.
Use Show my homework/email to communicate with staff on any concerns or matters regarding PE.
Cambridge National Sport Science - What are we studying?
Cambridge National in Sport Science gives learners the opportunity to study key areas of sport science including anatomy and physiology linked to fitness, health, injury and performance; the science of training and application of training principles, and psychology in sport and sports performance.
Mandatory units
Unit R041: Reducing the risk of sports injuries
Taking part in sport and physical activity puts the body under stress. Students will learn how to reduce the risk of injury when taking part in sport through activities such as warm-ups, and knowing how to respond to injuries and medical conditions in a sport setting.
This unit is externally assessed through an OCR set and marked 1 hour exam.
Unit R042: Applying principles of training
The role of a coach is to keep their performers in peak condition by monitoring individuals’ fitness and designing bespoke training programmes. Students will learn the principles of training and how different methods target different components of fitness.
They will also learn how to conduct fitness tests, interpret the results and design and evaluate fitness programmes. The OCR-set assignment brings this together through demonstration of this knowledge and skills in a practical task.
Optional Units
There are a further two optional units that are decided by the centre and is assessed through an OCR-set assignment, which allows students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding through coursework.
How are we assessed?
For more details of the course and the assessment process please visit:
How are we grouped?
Students are put in mixed ability sets.
What home learning are we expected to do?
The students are expected to do independent study consolidating their learning of the topics they are covering. There is also set homework given weekly or fortnightly depending on the tasks or extended project work.
What can parents do to help?
Please help with your child’s organisation to ensure that they come to each lesson with the appropriate PE kit, in line with the published list for PE.
Monitor their progress during the GCSE and ensure they find time to complete their homework and coursework, meeting all deadlines.
Encourage them to fully participate in extra-curricular PE activities and to read about/watch a variety of sporting and physical activities.
Use Show my homework/email to communicate with staff on any concerns or matters regarding PE.