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Lavington School

EQUA Trust


Subject Leader: Mrs Jane Wedge - j.wedge@lavington.wilts.sch.uk

Curriculum Map

At Lavington School we value the importance of PSHRE and Citizenship education and the key role it plays in helping develop the whole child. 

The aim of PSHRE is to equip students with the tools to become responsible, resilient, healthy and active citizens. We aim to develop knowledge as well as skills do deal positively with the challenges of life. Within our curriculum we meet the statutory Health, Sex and Relationships (RSE) education guidelines as well as the guidelines from the PSHE Association

PSHE is delivered through:

  1. Discreet PSHE lessons
  2. The tutor programme supported by other areas in a Whole School approach such as themed terms for assemblies
  3. Whole school PSHE bespoke days targeted at specific content in each year group. Please see link for PSHRE day1 programme 25/11/2021

Whole School PSHRE Day

Parent consultation

As Lavington School was an early adopter school of the statutory changes to Relationships and Health Education the new curriculum has been taught to all year groups since September 2020.

As part of our parent consultation process we have:

-Shared information on the statutory changes to Relationships and Health Education

-Consulted on the Relationships and Sex Education policy

-Provided parents with Curriculum maps

-Completed a parent survey in July 2021

-Provided parents with online links enable parents to support their children with learning in PSHRE (In response to feedback from the parent survey)

-Shared a Parent information presentation about PSHRE at Lavington School (video below- this was unable to be held in person due to COVID restrictions)

What are we studying?

The curriculum has been designed and based around recommendations from the PSHRE association. The aim of the curriculum is that students develop and explore the following themes and follow a spiral theme, building and developing each theme each year.


-Health and Wellbeing

-Living in the Wider World


As students’ progress through the curriculum they will revisit the themes but explore in more detail at an age appropriate level as well as developing the skills and attributes linked to each topic.

Please see the attached curriculum map.

How are we assessed?

Assessment in PSHRE and Citizenship is unique to other subjects. Part of PSHRE and Citizenship is developing the knowledge of our students, this can be assessed though plenaries in lessons and other tasks. The harder part to assess in PSHRE and Citizenship is the skills and attributes that student’s gain. Some of these skills won’t be used or tested until their adult life.  There are no national curriculum levels or grades in PSHRE.

At Lavington School, we do however, aid students in assessing and monitoring their own progress in PSHRE and Citizenship. At the beginning of each topic students will complete a task/ monitoring and assessment sheet that acts as a baseline, a chance for students to assess their own levels. At the end of the topic the students will then RAG rate themselves against the outcomes and write a response about what they have learnt. They will also complete a STAR analysis in which students will be asked to consider:

  • Skills and knowledge learnt- consider the knowledge they have gained throughout this topic. To ensure they are
  • Thoughtful reflection on their work for the topic- AFL skills
  • Advice and top tips- to assess the key points they have taken away and could be used in adult life to ensure they are happy, healthy, safe
  • Risks and warnings- to reflect on any safety aspects of the course and ensure they can live safe lives

Students will also be assessed in lessons through:



-Mini- plenary

-Extended writing

How are we grouped?

Students are in mixed ability groups

How do we provide for SEND and most able?

The aim of our lessons is to both support and stretch our students. Lessons are differentiated to allow access to all, we often have access to a TA to support lessons. ELSA sessions may also be available for any SEND student who requires more support with topics studied.

Our most able students will be stretched through use of differentiated tasks and extension tasks.

What homework are we expected to do?

Students may be set homework in PSHRE if the class teacher feels this is relevant and useful. Students might be asked to complete a research task, complete an extended piece of writing or complete their Monitoring and Assessment sheet for this term.

What can parents do to help?

PSHRE and Citizenship education is a collaboration between school and home. We encourage you to discuss with your child what they are learning in PSHRE and Citizenship. Please contact the PSHRE Lead if you would like signposting to relevant resources to support your child.

  PSHE and Citizenship Curriculum Map

  Relationships and Sex Education Policy

 PSHE and Citizenship helpful links

  PSHE and Citizenship Curriculum Intent and Implementation

  Where Careers is linked in PSHRE
