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Lavington School

EQUA Trust


Subject Leader: Louise Ellis - l.ellis@lavington.wilts.sch.uk

Biology Curriculum Overview

Chemistry Curriculum Overview

Physics Curriculum Overview

Year 7 and 8 Science 

Year 7

What are we studying? 

There are 6 modules which are studied, 2 modules of each Biology, Chemistry & Physics. 

They cover the following topics: 

Cells & Reproduction, Environment and Feeding Relationships, Acids, Alkalis &  Chemical Reactions, States of matter & Solutions, Energy Resources, Forces and their Effects.


Each unit is sequenced to introduce fundamental ideas at the start, and then knowledge is then built upon with new content after this to make links to these fundamental ideas. Throughout each topic, there are extensive opportunities for practicing the application of knowledge as well as seeing their teachers model how to approach more abstract concepts in the content taught.

How are we assessed? 

Each of the six units will have an end of topic test, students will also be assessed on their investigative skills in class.


All students will sit an end of year exam covering the concepts covered throughout the year.

How we provide for the SEN and most able pupils

SEN students will be supported appropriately by class teacher and where appropriate there may be teaching assistants in lessons.

All students will have opportunities for extracurricular activities in the form of STEM club.

Our schemes of learning have been designed to provide students with the opportunities to meet their potential through the use of retrieval practical, modelling and multiple opportunities for practice.

How are we grouped?

Students are placed in sets 1 to 7. 


The set allocated at the start of year 7 is based on key stage 2 data.  If it becomes clear that a student is in the wrong set for their ability during the year, this may be adjusted.  Setting will be reviewed regularly throughout the year. At these points students may move a set depending on assessment outcomes. Parents will be informed if this is the case for their child.

What homework are we expected to do? 

There will be one homework task set per week on Show My Homework, this will include learning key spellings, extended writing tasks, practice test questions and revision for class tests using resources.

What can parents do to help? 

Ask your child to explain the meaning of the scientific vocabulary that is new to each module.

Encourage your child to discuss what they have learnt each week as they are looking through their science book

Look out for scientific articles in newspapers and discuss them with your child.

Help your child to revise by asking them questions about each module using your child’s exercise book and the resources on Show My Homework.

Further information on the levels - 




Year 8

What are we studying?

There are 6 modules which are studied, 2 modules of each Biology, Chemistry & Physics.

They cover the following topics:

Digestion and Nutrition, Respiration, The Heart and Lungs, Photosynthesis and the Carbon Cycle, Biomechanics, Elements and Compounds, the Periodic Table, The structure of the Earth, Electricity, Light and Sound, Magnetism.


Each unit is sequenced to introduce fundamental ideas at the start, and then knowledge is then built upon with new content after this to make links to these fundamental ideas. Throughout each topic, there are extensive opportunities for practicing the application of knowledge as well as seeing their teachers model how to approach more abstract concepts in the content taught.

How are we assessed? 

Each of the six units will have an end of topic test, students will also be assessed on their investigative skills in class.


All students will sit an end of year exam covering the concepts covered throughout the year.

How we provide for the SEN and most able pupils

SEN students will be supported appropriately by class teacher and where appropriate there may be teaching assistants in lessons.


All students will have opportunities for extracurricular activities in the form of STEM club.


Our Schemes of learning have been designed to provide students with the opportunities to meet their potential through the use of retrieval practical, modelling and multiple opportunities for practice.

How are we grouped?

Students are placed in sets 1 to 7. 


The set allocated at the start of year 7 is based on key stage 2 data.  If it becomes clear that a student is in the wrong set for their ability during the year, this may be adjusted.  Setting will be reviewed regularly throughout the year. At these points students may move a set depending on assessment outcomes. Parents will be informed if this is the case for their child.

What homework are we expected to do? 

There will be one homework task set per week on Show My Homework, this will include learning key spellings, extended writing tasks, practice test questions and revision for class tests using resources.

What can parents do to help? 

Ask your child to explain the meaning of the scientific vocabulary that is new to each module.

Encourage your child to discuss what they have learnt each week as they are looking through their science book

Look out for scientific articles in newspapers and discuss them with your child.

Help your child to revise by asking them questions about each module using your child’s exercise book and the resources on Show My Homework.


Further information on levels




Years 9, 10 and 11

What are we studying? 

All KS4 courses begin at the start of year 9. In year 9 all students will start the first units of the AQA GCSE Trilogy Science course. This will be an equal split of Chemistry, Physics and Biology.


In Years 10 & 11, Students will follow different pathways. Sets 1, 2 & 3 will continue their studies from year 9 onto separate GCSE sciences in Physics, Chemistry & Biology. This will results in students being awarded 3 separate GCSE grades.


In years 10 & 11, sets 4, 5 and 6 will complete the AQA GCSE Trilogy Combined Science Award. Both courses have an even mix of Biology, Chemistry and Physics content. This will result in students being awarded 2 GCSE’s in combined Science.


The pathway students will follow will determined by performance in the end of year 9 examinations & parents will be consulted about these options at parent’s evening.

How are we assessed? 

The AQA Trilogy course is linear and all formal GCSE assessment is by terminal exams taken at the end of the course in Year 11.


In addition to this students will sit a number of tracking tests each term, which will be used to monitor their progress during the course, but will not count towards their exam grade. Although they will not count towards GCSE it is expected that students will do their utmost to score their best in these tracking assessments.  Students and staff will both keep a record of their progress in these tests.

How we provide for the SEN and most able pupils

The different pathways support students of different abilities and allow them to make good progress. The amount of curriculum time devoted to GCSE will allow staff to stretch high ability students and go beyond the curriculum and allow more time for students to develop a strong foundation for their studies. SEN students will be supported appropriately by class teacher, and make have the use of teaching assistants in lessons if appropriate.

How are we grouped?

Students are placed in sets 1 to 6 (7 from 2022-2023).


The set allocated at the start of year 10 is based on key stage 3 data together with all the assessments made during year 9, particularly the end of year 9 exams.


If it becomes clear that a student is in the wrong set for their ability during the year, this may be adjusted. 


At the end of the year students may move a set depending on assessment outcomes. Parents will be informed if this is the case for their child.

What homework are we expected to do?

Students will be issued with homework each week and this will consist of educake quizzes, exam questions and revision. Again there will be a record sheet to enable staff and students to keep an eye on their progress, in comparison to their target.


The teacher may set additional homework to reinforce the learning taking place in the lesson or to prepare for new learning.

What can parents do to help?

Ask your child to explain the meaning of the scientific vocabulary that is new to each module.

Encourage your child to discuss what they have learnt each week as they are looking through their exercise books and any text books they may have.


Look out for scientific articles in newspapers and discuss them with your child.


Help your child to revise by asking them questions about each module, using their exercise book or text book to support you.


Purchase revision guides for GCSE students.  These are offered through the school or may be purchased through retailers such as Amazon or local book shops.