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Lavington School

EQUA Trust


Counselling at Lavington School is part of our pastoral support offer and is an onsite response for those students needing the additional expertise that counselling brings to the overall pastoral system. Our school counsellor is Felicity Ellmes.

Felicity has a wealth of experience working with young people and understands the challenges young people face.  Felicity works in line with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) Ethical Framework.  The pastoral team make referrals to Felicity but if a parent or student wishes to discuss the possibility of counselling they should contact one of our Pastoral Support Managers initially.

Our school counsellor will provide 6 one-to-one counselling sessions once a week for 45 minutes per client (this may be subject to review after 6 sessions). The counselling is always confidential unless the counsellor feels there are any child protection concerns which she is obliged to pass on.

Online counselling 

All students also have access to an online counselling service called KOOTH which was commissioned by Wiltshire Council. This is a free, anonymous, confidential website where young people can go for help with issues. The service offers drop-in chats, booked one-to-one sessions, themed message forums and lots of positive information and support. A poster is attached, and the website is www.kooth.com.