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Lavington School

EQUA Trust

Medical Concerns

School Heath Nurse

Our school health nurse is available to see students for drop-in sessions or pre-arranged appointments on Friday lunchtimes. The service is confidential (unless there is a safeguarding issue) and she covers a wide range of issues such as stress and anxiety, weight related concerns, and age-related concerns such as periods and contraception.

Parents may also wish to contact the school health nurse and she is available on 01380 732563. 

Medical Concerns

The school has several members of staff who are fully trained in first aid. It is a parental responsibility to notify the school if a child has any medical conditions. Please see the Trust Medical Conditions Policy for more detail about how the school will work with parents and students to support a medical condition.

If a child becomes ill in a lesson, they should inform the teacher and, if necessary, will be accompanied to the medical room. During break or lunchtime, they should report to reception. First aiders will assess and provide basic first aid as appropriate and will contact 999 in emergencies.

Students must not contact parents directly.  This can lead to misinformation and has led to students leaving the site without school knowing which is a serious safeguarding issue.

Information for staff, parents and governors

Virgin Care has recently launched a new way for young people across Wiltshire to get advice and support about health-related issues. ChatHealth is an award-winning school nurse messaging service for young people aged 11-19 years, available Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm (automatic bounce-backs respond to incoming messages out of hours). The aim is to further improve access to healthcare for young people and to continue improving the quality and safety of the service. Young people have helped develop the promotional material which we are using to advertise the service in our school.

The text number for this service is 07480 635513

School nurse information pack - students

School nurse information pack - parents